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Mirror, Mirror


Fact: I happen to LOVE writing on mirrors. There's something about their smooth, shiny surface that lately has been beckoning me to write on them! Chalkboards and wood signs are perfectly elegant options for wedding and event signage, however mirrors are currenlty trending as a new medium for telling your guests what they need to know.

If there is already a mirror at your venue, a calligrapher can write away and the clean-up crew can wipe away when the party's said and done. This monogram is one a 6'x6' mirror at the Mill at Plein Air in Taylor, MS. What a perfect photo op for a new couple!

If there isn't a mirror at your venue, fear not: simply bring in your own mirrors and stand them up on easels or against a wall. Scroll down for mirror idea inspiration...

Tell your guests your wedding hashtag and/or direct them to your photo booth.

Place a pretty mirror next to the cake. Bonus points for adding your monogram at the bottom and double bonus points for looking this adorable.

Tall mirrors are a dream for displaying your menu items. {And I spy a BHC calligraphy monogram on the napkins below the mirror! More on monograms here.}

This couple had one guest book sign at the ceremony and another at the reception, so no one had to worry about transporting signs from one venue to the next.

Monograms and mirrors are a perfect match!

And don't forget the sparkler send-off!

This mother-of-the-bride had a fantastic sense of humor and turned the couple's C+B monogram into a clever bathroom sign. Love!!

What other ways would you use mirror signs at a wedding or event? Contact me here to learn about calligraphy options for your wedding or event in the north Mississippi or Memphis, TN area!



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